
Deliverable No Deliverable Name
D1(3.1) Opti-AromaQ current situation technical report
D2 (1.1) Interim report
D3 (4.1) Nutritive value/properties of MAP
D4 (5.1) MAP biofortification/growth in hydroponics
D5 (5.2) MAP biofortification/field application
D6 (2.1) Two articles in local newspapers

D7 (2.2) Three (3) newsletters

D8 (2.3) Leaflet (500 copies) (English)

Leaflet (500 copies) (Greek)

D9 (2.4) One presentation in international conference

VI International Symposium of Postharvest Pathology-29 May-2 June 2022, Cyprus

  • Oregano, ironwort and sage herbs extracts towards common foodborne pathogens (click here)
  • Unexplored endemic species of medicinal and aromatic plants as a potential source of natural sanitizers and antioxidants: the case of Sideritis cypria Post (click here)

Workshop on Traditional Medicines: A sustainable lifestyle towards climate change, 14-16 July 2022, Athens

  • Storage conditions of MAP and alternative use of essential oils and hydrosol as an alternative natural postharvest sanitation mean (click here)

Training of Trainers (TOT) on Horticultural Chain Management on Measurement and Actions to Manage Quality and Reduce Food Losses in Fresh Produce Supply Chains, 21 June – 12 July 2022, Virtual event (University of Pretoria, South Africa)

  • Storage conditions of MAP and alternative use of essential oils and hydrosol as an alternative natural postharvest sanitation mean (click here)

3rd Food Chemistry Conference ‘’Shaping a Healthy and Sustainable Food Chain Through Knowledge’’, 10-12 October 2023, Dresden, Germany

  • Biological activities of plant extracts from Cypriot aromatic plants and herbs (click here)

31o Συνέδριο Ελληνικής Εταιρείας της Επιστήμης των Οπωροκηπευτικών 29 Οκτωβίου – 2 Νοεμβρίου 2023

  • Επίδραση διαφορετικών συγκεντρώσεων αζώτου και χαλκού στο θρεπτικό διάλυμα σε καλλιέργεια Sideritis cypria (click here)

‘’Natural Product Chemistry and Drug Discovery’’ Annual Meeting/Conference of the Pan-Balkan Alliance of Natural Products and Drug Discovery Associations PANDA Alliance, 29 November – 3 December 2023

  • Storage conditions of medicinal/aromatic plants and use of essential oils and hydrosol as an alternative natural postharvest sanitation mean (click here)

3rd Black Sea Association of Food Science and Technology Congress (B-FOST 2023), 13-14 December 2023

  • Medicinal and aromatic plants essential oils, hydrosols and their main component for the preservation of fresh produce (click here)

V European Horticultural Congress – EHC2024 (SHE2024), Bucharest 12-16 May 2024.

  • Effects of storage temperature on fresh sage and its use for the preservation of tomato fruits.  (click here)

V European Horticultural Congress – EHC2024 (SHE2024), Bucharest 12-16 May 2024.

  • Fresh basil preservation with Cypriot oregano extracts (click here)

V European Horticultural Congress – EHC2024 (SHE2024), Bucharest 12-16 May 2024.

  • Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium levels in the nutrient solution affect Sideritis cypria growth, nutritional, and antioxidant status.  (click here)

3rd UniFood2024 Conference, Belgrade, Serbia, 28-29 June 2024.

  • Essential oil and hydrosol for the preservation of fresh produce: Quality and safety issues.  (click here)

I International Symposium on Protected Cultivation, Nettings and Screens for Mild Climates, Athens, Greece, 23-26 September 2024.

  • Iron and zinc foliar application affect vegetative, physiological, nutritional and antioxidant behavior of Origanum dubium in response to different nitrogen supply in hydroponics. (click here)

I International Symposium on Protected Cultivation, Nettings and Screens for Mild Climates, Athens, Greece, 23-26 September 2024.

  • Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium levels in the nutrient solution affect Sideritis cypria growth, nutritional, and antioxidant status.  (click here)

I International Symposium on Protected Cultivation, Nettings and Screens for Mild Climates, Athens, Greece, 23-26 September 2024.

  • Effect of different nitrogen and copper levels of the nutrient solution on Sideritis cypria grown hydroponically.  (click here)
D10 (2.5) Two submissions to peer-reviewed journals

Paper 1: Origanum dubium (Cypriot oregano) as a promising sanitizing agent against Salmonella enterica and Listeria monocytogenes on tomato and cucumber fruits (click here)

Paper 2: Phytochemical Profiles and Biological Activities of Plant Extracts from Aromatic Plants Cultivated in Cyprus (click here)

Paper 3: It Runs in the Family: The Importance of the Lamiaceae Family Species (click here)

D11 (6.1) MAP storage/innovation in postharvest preservation techniques
D12 (7.1) MAP drying and storage conditions
D13 (1.2) Final Report